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  • Re: RTF files with images

    Hi Adam,   I've read on this forum that a lot of other users also have the same problem and that it's already there for more than a year. What is 'soon'? A couple of weeks, end of this year or before Xmas next year?   Thanks and hope to see a working version within a couple of weeks.
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Egbert on November 2, 2007
  • RTF files with images

    Hi,   I've got an Windows application which is using RFT files (sometimes also with images). I want to create a web interface for this program and was looking at your editor, because in the specs it says it can read/convert rtf files to html. I tried it but I had the following problem:   When loading an RTF file with an ...
    Posted to Cute Editor for .NET (Forum) by Egbert on November 1, 2007