Howto keep progressbar visible

Last post 07-25-2009, 1:17 AM by cutechat. 1 replies.
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  •  07-22-2009, 9:52 AM 54196

    Howto keep progressbar visible

    I use the uploader just to upload 1 file at the time.
    But when I click the insert button, the file is uploaded and the progressbar is showing.
    After uploading is completed, the progressbar unfortunatly dissapears.
    Some users have a fast upload speed (and the files are not that big) and the bar flashes up and is gone again, which is very anoying.
    It should be nice if the progressbar did not dissapear and shows that it's at 100%.
    A new upload should reset the bar to 0 and let it run again.
    Is that possible ?
  •  07-25-2009, 1:17 AM 54273 in reply to 54196

    Re: Howto keep progressbar visible

    We will provide a new property for that.
    You can also check the custom ui example , and use css to show it always :
    .MyProgressBar , MyProgressText
          display:static !important;
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