CuteEditor/Safari 4.0/Ext problems

Last post 11-06-2009, 11:20 AM by mmodrall. 2 replies.
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  •  11-05-2009, 12:00 PM 56926

    CuteEditor/Safari 4.0/Ext problems

    We've got Ext applications trying to use CuteEditor 6.1 in Safari 4.0 and it's having all kinds of problems.
    We've tried several different approaches and it rarely works.
    A lot of the problems appear to be related to timing and Safari 4 dom behavior.
    For example, frame.contentWindow in safari at first seems to evaluate to true and that's the frame that the Safari Loader uses - at least until it seems like the Template.aspx finishes loading.
    Then frame.contentWindow evaluates to false, and the code falls through using other ways of finding a frame that don't appear to work so well.  The net result is that the routines waiting for the document to be ready throw errors and the editor never completes initialization.
    In another attempt to get it to work, we have an application that fetches the html for the editor and then does a document.write() with it.  Oddly, in this instance, CuteEditor works if the Safari cache is clear and it fetches all the resources.  Once the resources are in the browser cache we're back to the same timing errors the other ones see...
    I saw a post on an Ext support forum saying that others have run into problems using Cute 6.3 in Safari but nobody there had any idea.
    Are these things you guys know about?
  •  11-05-2009, 1:35 PM 56928 in reply to 56926

    Re: CuteEditor/Safari 4.0/Ext problems

  •  11-06-2009, 11:20 AM 56944 in reply to 56928

    Re: CuteEditor/Safari 4.0/Ext problems

    Easier said than done, I'm afraid...  We're working from a customized version of your 6.1 source code.
    I did compare the Safari Loader from 6.5 and the one we had from 6.1, and there were no substantive differences in the loading code, so I'd expect it to have all the same problems with Ext.
    Ext does a lot of weird things with divs on their apps that appear to be messing with Safari 4 and how Cute initializes...
    We do use Cute with Safari 4 in non-Ext apps and it seems okay.
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