2 things: I cannot get the email for when all agents are off line to work. and pages does not close after email was sent

Last post 02-22-2010, 2:08 PM by Adam. 2 replies.
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  •  02-19-2010, 8:46 PM 58854

    2 things: I cannot get the email for when all agents are off line to work. and pages does not close after email was sent

    HI -
    I am trying to get the email part to work for when all agents are off line.  I am using iis 6.0.  using the local server as the email server.  Emails do come from that server, just not from the live chat screen. Any help would be appreicate it. Also, it says the message was sent successfully, but the window does not close by itselft.  Any way to make that disappear after the email gets sent?
  •  02-19-2010, 8:50 PM 58855 in reply to 58854

    Re: 2 things: I cannot get the email for when all agents are off line to work. and pages does not close after email was sent

    Here's what my config says:

     <add key="DefaultMailAddress" value="[email protected]" />
     <add key="SmtpServer" value="localhost" />


  •  02-22-2010, 2:08 PM 58904 in reply to 58854

    Re: 2 things: I cannot get the email for when all agents are off line to work. and pages does not close after email was sent

    HI -
    I am trying to get the email part to work for when all agents are off line.  I am using iis 6.0.  using the local server as the email server.  Emails do come from that server, just not from the live chat screen. Any help would be appreicate it. Also, it says the message was sent successfully, but the window does not close by itselft.  Any way to make that disappear after the email gets sent?
    Please open CuteSoft_Client\CuteChat\SupportFeedback.aspx and change the following code:
       alert("Message sent! We will respond as soon as possible.");
       alert("Message sent! We will respond as soon as possible.");

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    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
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