Adding javascript to link messes up markup

Last post 02-02-2012, 5:24 AM by lebronames123. 2 replies.
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  •  01-31-2012, 9:20 AM 72885

    Adding javascript to link messes up markup

    If you use the A Tag dialog to add a link with the following URL:

    BLOCKED SCRIPTpopImg('/Website/upload/446ppuf600X544.gif')
    And you switch to HTML, you will see it messes up the markup. this also happens in the Demo.
    Could you please solve this?
  •  01-31-2012, 3:41 PM 72891 in reply to 72885

    Re: Adding javascript to link messes up markup

    Hi SaferSephy,
    It cause by the apostrophe ', Editor will wraps the url you set by "", if you use two apostrophe in the url, then will generate a wrong html format. Editor do not know what is the format, so it generate the wrong code which is not you need.
    some like <a href="a'b'c"></a>, it is a wrong format.
  •  02-02-2012, 5:24 AM 72907 in reply to 72885

    Re: Adding javascript to link messes up markup

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