Errors and general questions

Last post 11-05-2013, 1:23 PM by Kenneth. 5 replies.
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  •  10-31-2013, 11:02 AM 78248

    Errors and general questions

    Hi all =)

    i would use this uploader (buying the right license) but with demo i have a problem.

    When i use it in local it's all ok, but on my server (IIS 6.0) appears this message: 

    "You are probably hitting the file uploade limit of IIS7. By default in IIS 7 requestFiltering has the MaxAllowedContentLength proprety enabled. It specifies, in bytes, the maximum length of the content in a request. The default is 30MB"

    but i don't use IIS7 and already set maxlength file up to 2GB on web.config, and i have this error also with 200kb images.

    How can i resolve the problem?


    Then some questions to understand some functions:

    1- how can i set the upload folder? Actually, in local, i use CopyTo to move files in the right folder, but i would automatize this, just to don't lose any files on the server.
    2 - how <add key="CuteWebUI.AjaxUploader.TempDirectory" value="~/UploaderTemp" /> work? More exactly how i have to set value field to upload file in the right folder of the site? Can i leave them in that folder after upload or i need to use CopyTo function for each uploaded file?
    3 - with developer license i can use ajax uploader in all my progects on the same server, right?



    I think that's all for the moment.

    Thanks for the support.



  •  10-31-2013, 1:15 PM 78252 in reply to 78248

    Re: Errors and general questions

    Hi Metaping,


    About the iis 7 error message, when you got this? after uploaded? And got it with your own page or the default demo pages?Can you post your uploader page url here? So I can check it for you directly.


    1. You need to use method "CopyTo" or "MoveTo" to handle the upload file store loaction.


    2. This is not a necessary setting, on some special servers, it dose not allow the site access the default system temp folder, then you need to set the TempDirectory to let the uploader control store the upload file  temporarily. The temp file will be removed after a few hours. You can set the TempDirectory to a relative path.


    3. Yes.





  •  11-04-2013, 10:34 AM 78296 in reply to 78252

    Re: Errors and general questions

    I have the error message when try to upload file.
    It happens both with demo page and my own page on my server, but demo page on local server (visual studio 2010 express) works right.

    let me know if i understand well

    1. i have to use theese method to upload files in the right folder, and can't upload files directly without use theese method

    2. using that setting allows me to simply choose a temp directory and i can't use that as final one


    Thanks for support 



  •  11-04-2013, 12:37 PM 78299 in reply to 78296

    Re: Errors and general questions

    Hi Metaping,


    1. Yes, to save the upload file into the special folder, you must use one of the methods provided.


    2. You can use any folder as the temp folder, just need to ensure that your site has the write/read permission of the folder you set for. The temp folder only use to save the file temporarily before you use "CopyTo" and "MoveTo" method.





  •  11-05-2013, 9:16 AM 78306 in reply to 78299

    Re: Errors and general questions

    Thanks, but what about the error message?

    It happens when try to upload file with demo and my page both on server, but not with demo in local (visual studio 2010)

  •  11-05-2013, 1:23 PM 78308 in reply to 78306

    Re: Errors and general questions

    Hi Metaping,


    Can you send me your uploader page url and show me the full steps to reproduce this error? So I can check it too.


    You also can send it to [email protected]





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