WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

Last post 06-11-2009, 8:28 AM by Daniel Krusky. 3 replies.
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  •  06-05-2009, 3:28 PM 52836

    WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

    I am experiencing a problem which I am unable to show you proof by reproducing the problem using your examples as the problem appears to only show up on the server side.
    Basically here is the issue:
    I have created a project which loads html files from a custom template browser prior to loading the WYSIWYG. This function works perfectly as the template is loaded directly into the WYSIWYG editor prior to displaying it. When I click on save, all information inside the editor shows up properly in the $_POST variable. <<----  WORKS
    Also included in this project is the ability to use your built-in template browser (for after the WYSIWYG editor has been loaded). The templates appear to load properly when you choose one using the template browser, as they show inside the WYSIWYG editor perfectly. However, when I click on save (which is posting to the EXACT same page above, and the editor is also using the exact same code to be drawn), the template data does not show up properly in the $_POST variable. Instead, it appears to be submitting a very simplified piece of HTML code as follows:
     <html><head></head><body linkifying="true" style="font-family: arial; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal; -x-system-font: none;"><br /></body></html>
    As you can see, this is a bit of a problem. Can you please offer a solution, as the server side and client side literally have no change between the two examples.


    Custom Software Developent at MicroVB INC
  •  06-05-2009, 4:31 PM 52838 in reply to 52836

    Re: WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

    Can you create a simple example showing the problems and send it to me?

    asp.net Chat http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Chat/default.aspx
    Web Messenger: http://cutesoft.net/Web-Messenger/default.aspx
    asp.net wysiwyg editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+WYSIWYG+Editor/default.aspx
    asp wysiwyg html editor: http://cutesoft.net/ASP
    asp.net Image Gallery: http://cutesoft.net/ASP.NET+Image+Gallery/default.aspx
    Live Support: http://cutesoft.net/live-support/default.aspx

  •  06-05-2009, 5:06 PM 52840 in reply to 52838

    Re: WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

    I sent you information about a test environment in a private message as it contains login credentials where you can reproduce the problem, as it is pretty complex to configure this in the first place.
    Just FYI, the html is being stored into a database in a field type of "longtext". The SQL statment for the insert is as follows.
    $sql = "INSERT INTO `qls_pages` (domainid,html,caption) VALUES(" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ",'" . @$_POST["wysiwygeditor"] . "','" . $_POST['title'] . "');";

    One thing i found kind of strange is that i do not need to add addslashes() to the post var as everything is already escaped. Is this by design ?

    Custom Software Developent at MicroVB INC
  •  06-11-2009, 8:28 AM 53001 in reply to 52840

    Re: WYSIWYG Editor Template Issue

    I know you are busy, but I am just wondering if you have had a chance to work on this issue yet. I would like to reliably edit the pages use the .XHTML feature in your program as it does format the code better, however, in a lot of cases it is unreliable and the output returned is completely, or almost completely blank.
    If i might suggest, it is possible that XHTML output feature doesn't have all the keywords or it is parsing some of them incorrectly resulting in blank results. Perhaps add a handler of some sort so that if the result of a particular key is empty, then to revert that specific key back to the pre-parsed html. This would only be a work-around to the root problem, and would effectively make it so the pages being output were only partial conversions to XHTML.

    Custom Software Developent at MicroVB INC
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