CuteEditor for PHP and Smarty

Last post 06-11-2009, 12:27 PM by Adam. 1 replies.
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  •  06-11-2009, 11:41 AM 53019

    CuteEditor for PHP and Smarty

    I have been retained by to incorporate your php software into there site.  I am new to your software and need some guidance. Your demo's work after installation from localhost, however they use the smarty templating system and when attempting to use you software in that environment I have grief.
    How can I set this up to work with Smarty 
    I have created a variable and passed it to smarty 
                $article=new CuteEditor();
                $article->Text="This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>This is some more test text.<br>";
                $article->EditorBodyStyle="font:normal 12px arial;";
                $article->ResizeMode = $ResizeMode;
                $article->AutoConfigure = "Full";

             $smarty->assign('article', $article );
    and then in my smarty file I use the variable like this
          { $article->Draw()}
    But when I attempt to display the form I get the following error:
     Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "CuteEditor_Files/Languages/en-en.xml" in C:\xampp\htdocs\JeepQuestions\includes\CuteEditor_Files\include_CuteEditor.php on line 874
    Error while parsing the Languages fileLanguages/en-en.xml
    As I said your demo routines work from thye same directory 
     Any help you can offer would be appreciated
  •  06-11-2009, 12:27 PM 53023 in reply to 53019

    Re: CuteEditor for PHP and Smarty

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