CuteEditor supports multiple language, the online demo can be found in, you can add new language. The steps are as follows:
1. Replace "es-ES" with your own culture encoding, for example, change:
<CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" CustomCulture="es-ES"></CE:Editor>
<CE:Editor id="Editor1" runat="server" CustomCulture="zu-ZA"></CE:Editor>
In visual studio, when you select cuteeditor control, and then click the dropdown list of "CustomCulture" in properties view, you will find all possible encoding.
2. Open application "bin" folder, and create customized dictionary, file name is "zu-ZA.dic". How to create customized dictionary? please refer to
After you finish this step, CuteEditor will load the customized dictionary, and you will can use it when have a spell check
3.create customized language resource file in folder "CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Languages\Languages.xml", copy file "_default.xml", and paste it to "zu-ZA.xml",open this file and translate it to your own language