Ordered Lists

Last post 04-28-2004, 11:33 AM by Admin. 1 replies.
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  •  04-28-2004, 4:30 AM 729

    Ordered Lists

    I would also like to add my kudos to Adam for a great editor. The editors that have used it so far love it!


    Now to a minor issue with the "Ordered list" function. My editors would like to create a numbered list 1., 2., 3. etc. or sometimes A, B, C, etc but there is no way to select this option when inserting the tags. Is there a way to add the selection of that option to the code in the next version?
  •  04-28-2004, 11:33 AM 732 in reply to 729

    Re: Ordered Lists



    Thanks for the nice comments.


    You can do this on a page by defining rules in your stylesheet.


    For example:


    ol li {list-style-type: upper-roman; }  //  ( I. II. III. IV. )
    ol li {list-style-type: upper-latin; }  // (A. B. C. D. )
    ol li {list-style-type: decimal; }  // (1. 2. 3. 4.)


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