Re: Width Dependent On Buttons?

  •  07-01-2004, 11:54 AM

    Re: Width Dependent On Buttons?

    I figured it out... in case anyone reading this thread is interested in the result:
    I found that (1) setting the button template explicitly {and not using AutoConfigure} and (2) including G_Start and G_End in the template string to indicate logical groupings of buttons will create button groups that will "wrap" when necessary {after the G_End of a button group} to shrink the Width of the entire control. When the control's Width is enough to accommodate all buttons, then no wrapping occurs.
    An example of such a template:

    string strTemp = @"Cut,Copy,Paste,PasteText,Separator,Bold,Italic,Underline,G_Start,FontColor,HighLight,Hr,Separator, Emotion, InsertTable,G_End, ImageGalleryByBrowsing,Link,Unlink,RemoveFormat";

    Editor1.Width = System.Web.UI.WebControls.Unit.Pixel(350);

    Editor1.Template = strTemp; //button template



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