Cute Editor started ignoring WIDTH attribute

  •  12-06-2005, 3:10 PM

    Cute Editor started ignoring WIDTH attribute

    I've set the width of the editor to 460, and this worked previously, and now today the editor started ignoring the width attribute. It's not even the button bars that are forcing it wider, they only go about halfway across (in it's ignoring width mode).
    I noticed that the output had a width:100% for the style of the textarea, so I tried limiting this by putting a surrounding html table, just to test, and that's not working either. Something is forcing the table to be much wider than it should be.

    It's version 5.1, that we were about to register.
    Here's the code snippet of the Cute Editor tag in my source, and then the resultant html when loaded. 

                                                    <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="1" width="320" id="testTable">
                                                    <CE:Editor id="pageContentEditor" EditorWysiwygModeCss="./webSiteStyles/Styles.css" runat="server"
                                                          AllowUpload="false" FontColor="black"
                                                          ConvertHTMLTagstoLowercase="false" BreakElement="p"
                                                          MaxDocumentSize="0" MaxFlashSize="0" MaxImageSize="0"
                                                          Width="320" height="600" cols=25 />

    SOLVED! Nevermind, the problem was that the toolbars were wrapping, so it looked like they were fine, but the editor still kept the full width.
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