Word paste adding extra lines

  •  01-23-2006, 6:16 AM

    Word paste adding extra lines

    When pasting from Word, the editor appears to adds empy lines: <p><span lang="NL"> </span></p>.
    However, in your example editor it does the same (adds &#nbsp;, probably because it's html and not xhtml) but these extra lines do not show in your preview, nor in the normal view.
    How can we prevent these extra lines from being added? They are very annoying to people pasting from word, since they have to be manually removed.
    Additional info: I noticed that the extra lines only show when pasting from word and looking at the "normal" view. When I click on preview and go back to normal, they disappear. If I look at HTML and go back to normal the appear again. And when I save they disappear and don't come back. 

    So the extra lines ARE added when pasting Word, but you don't see them always; and they are removed when saving (and don't come back). This remains annoying, do you have any solution?
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