Re: custom dialog window strips html code before pasting into editor

  •  04-03-2006, 2:52 PM

    Re: custom dialog window strips html code before pasting into editor

    Along the same lines, so worth mentioning, while expirimenting with <script> functionality in the editor, I made a very simple page, as follows:
    <input id=Button1 onclick=BLOCKED SCRIPTclickthis() type=button value=Button1 name=Button1>
    <script language='javascript'>
    function clickthis()
    It doesn't work in Preview mode, and when I view source on the editor Iframe, this is what the rendered code looks like:
    <base href=http://localhost/CuteSoft_Web/ target="blank" /><style> body {padding:0px;margin:0px;}</style>
    <input id=Button1 onclick=BLOCKED SCRIPTclickthis() type=button value=Button1 name=Button1><body>
    It looks like the <script> tags got replaced with whatever that is in red.
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