Experiencing problems with Cute Editor for ASP

  •  04-20-2006, 7:28 AM

    Experiencing problems with Cute Editor for ASP


    This is Nadir Ali Shah. Just few days ago my employer has bought the updated version of your product Cute Editor for ASP... No doubt the live demo of this editor works perfect, but i am experiecing some bugs with this editor, even i saw the same problem in the sample files that is simple.asp and default.asp under the provided .zip files, the problem under the provided sample files with the provided .zip file by you has made me sure that i am not doing any thing wrong. here is the problem;

    you just extract this provided file xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.zip and check the default.asp , make the cursor position at the end of the editor's text and then press enter, you will see some strange behavior and javascript error tooo that is “editor is undefined”..... that javascript error is not an issue for me, but when u press enter for the first time at editor it breaks 2 to three lines… you will see this strange behaviour at default.asp file under the provided .zip file but its working fine at your live demo, so may be you did not update that xxxxxxxxxxxx.zip file for this issue.. please do something in this regard as soon as possible.

    second problem i am facing is related to spell checker, its checking html code like nbsp, while under the online demo at your website its working fine, very strange, may be you online demo is newer version and the provided xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.zip is not updated for that spell checker, please do something in this regard as soon as possible…

    I am looking forward for your prompt reply with solutions of these problems. Your support will be very highly appreciatable.

    Thanking you in anticipation.

    Nadir Ali Shah

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