Some problems and a few requests

  •  01-13-2004, 5:18 AM

    Some problems and a few requests



    First of all, this is a great control.

    And when everything works as planed, this will be a core control in my app.

    Therefore it is essential for me that this control is at is peak.

    Some minor problem;

    • In develop stage, the license make a problem, and I have to manipulate the system date, for it to work. This is annoying.
      I don’t know if this is possible, but what if you make “http://localhost/” an exception from the license rules.
    • 2.1 version won’t work at all.
      “The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is a unknown word starting at index 6.” As mention in another tread in this forum.
    • Can’t get the culture to work.  (Norwegian IE)
      Works on CuteSoft homepage, but not local???



    • A possibility to manipulate the filename in “thumbnail generator” and “downloadable files”
      In one of my current applications there is thousands of images, all renamed to a GUID number. Then there cannot be any filename conflict.
      Add a description to the files, if possible.
    • Access to the “thumbnail generator”, and “downloadable files” outside CE
      To ensure a common interface.


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