Invisible to Visible and Back Again!

  •  05-08-2007, 4:01 PM

    Invisible to Visible and Back Again!

       I am a new customer, considering purchasing CuteEditor. The other textbox products I have found have some of the same issues I am encountering with CuteEditor, but many of them have failed to give me much input, so here goes.
    I am trying to embedd the Editor into a Dialog from AJAX and/or ComponentArt.Web.UI's Dialog control. The problem is that the Editor renders even when the dialog has not yet been shown (whereas the editor should remain invisible until the dialog is shown). Setting the Editor to Invisible DOES solve the rendering issue, however once it is set to invisible, I find it impossible to set it to Visible again, as every call I make to the code seems to tell me the object doesn't exist because it was not rendered since was invisible. . .
    Is there a reason why CuteEditor renders even when it is inside of a hidden parent control? Is there any known solution for this problem?
    Thank you for your time,
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