Stop messing with my code: <name> converted to <name></name> and not displaying

  •  05-22-2007, 6:07 PM

    Stop messing with my code: <name> converted to <name></name> and not displaying

    I have been using WebWiz RTE for 5+ years. It was time for an upgrade. Here's the situation. I am using the RTE to generate documents on the fly merging fields from a database.

    The "data replacement fields" have been denoted by: <name>, <date_long> etc.  This has worked extremely well!

    I just purchased CS and tried to enter <name> into the editor. After saving and opening the file again the backend HTML code is changed to:

    <name><br />

    Not only that, but "<name>" doesn't show up in the designer.

    This is an absolute deal breaker. I cannot use the product at all unless I get a workaround.


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