Re: AJAX.NET Partial Refresh SOLUTION

  •  07-25-2007, 2:15 PM

    Re: AJAX.NET Partial Refresh SOLUTION

    Actually, now I can't catch CuteEditor_OnCommand anymore, and the editor only creates full postbacks, even when placed within an UpdatePanel. My guess is when the editor loads it scripts during an asynchronous callback, it overrides the CuteEditor_OnCommand function.

    I even tried registering CuteEditor_OnCommand using ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript, but that didn't fix it.

    By the way, your javascript developers might want to read about a little thing called Object Oriented Programming. The current event handling mechanism is very, very weak and forces developers to do all event handling for all editors in that one function (CuteEditor_OnCommand). You might want to look at how Microsoft does it in the Atlas framework. Much, much better. Using prototype and object instances wouldn't hurt either.
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