Re: Integration instructions missing a lot? or its just me?

  •  07-27-2007, 3:47 PM

    Re: Integration instructions missing a lot? or its just me?

    ok i downloaded the package and unlike what im using (Cute LiveSupport) this one only had the CuteChat folder and a global.asax file. The global.asax file had the Membership implementation code and it was a little different from what you guys suggest in your integration c# example in the help system.

    Here is a question what am i supposed to do with the package u suggested? You say "Please check the following two open source project integration" What does "check out mean" ? Are u suggesting that i should open each file in the package u asked me to download and then look at the differences ? i dont have time for that? i just need to know the RIGHT steps to get ur app working with my existing membership DB. So far we have established that you guys have a really poor help resource when it comes to integration with existing membership DB's if you are working with your own application and not a supported app like CS 2007 etc..
    You guys barely have any clear or complete documentation that describes each step.. All we could find so far is the c# implementation methods for the global.asax files and thats it. It breaks when you do what u ask.
    WHy cant CuteSoft spend some time and write a step document that will describe how to take this to a successful finish?? it will only motivate the buyer to really buy.
    Also your  package that u asked me to download does not have a web.config file? what does that mean ? does that mean i have to use the same file that i already have with LiveSupport package? and also is their anything that needs to be added to it to make the membership work? I know that to use the membership you normally need to define the membership and roles blocks in your webconfig file. Thats how our current website uses the membership DB. SO is their any web.config changes i need to be aware of?
    I am frustrated cuz it clearly says how easy it is to integrate LiveSupport in your current Membership based application DB. and you show that as a major feature of your app, yet the path to doing so isnt really easy to implement with very little help available.
    Can you please tell me everything i need to do exactly? and which file i need to look at or replace in my folders out of the package u suggested for? It would help me more if you tell me some accurate directions instead of throwing a load of zipped code files on me and telling me to figure it out???
    Also the package is not for LiveSupport, its for WebMessanger and chat. I am assuming that does not matter? since the chat part is common???
    Even my boss tried to find info on it and he was pissed at the lack of support when its so obviously advertised that its a piece of cake to use existing membership system. Remember that we cannot buy it until it proves to fulfill our needs exactly
    please help..
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