Toolbar - DisableItemList

  •  10-18-2007, 11:54 AM

    Toolbar - DisableItemList

    I can't seem to get rid of some of the drop downs in my editor at run time.

    EditorHTML.AutoConfigure = CuteEditor.
    EditorHTML.DisableItemList = "CssClass,ImageGalleryByBrowsing,InsertImage,InsertFlash,InsertMedia,InsertDocument,InsertTemplate,InsertTable,InsertHorizontalRule,InsertForm,Advanced,Zoom,InsertListBox,InsertDropDown,InsertRadioBox,InsertCheckBox,Codes,Links,Images,save";
    Is the documentation up to date for disabling these items?
    I want to get rid of "inline styles" and "Links".
    Thanks in advance
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