Trying to use your file dialog box with a new custom control

  •  01-22-2005, 4:15 PM

    Trying to use your file dialog box with a new custom control

    Have the control working fine -- but the modal dialog box must be called with a ?settinghash=7ba8f77a" parameter.
    I "stole" the hash code from a display of the insertgallery popup (status line display at bottom of window).  Now have discovered that the hash code is carrying in the image gallery directory address and so is shareing my personal files with others (who's hash codes are different!)  Guess you can tell I'm not too swift with the ,net stuff!  Is there some way to code the javascript call with a reference to the current instance hash code for the editor's setting of the image directory?

    Here is what I am using at present:

    newwin_1=showModalDialog("CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Dialogs/InsertGallery.aspx?settinghash=7ba8f77a", editor, "dialogWidth:670px;dialogHeight:650px");
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