Re: URLType not supported by by editor object

  •  02-13-2008, 12:25 PM

    Re: URLType not supported by by editor object

    OK, last question then - does specifying URLType = "Absolute" on the editor make Cute Editor get the full URL automatically, and does it cause any problems with servers using absolute URLs.
    For instance, if I set /images in <security name="ImageGalleryPath">/resources</security> in the Configuration/Security/xyz.config file, does it cause problems on servers that have security restrictions against absolute URLs. I think it would be good if there was a semi-absolute option, whereby relative URLs are used when viewing file lists, and absolute URLs are used for links, hrefs, src etc etc.
    In other words, relative for CMS system viewing things, but the output uses absolute.
    Doubt it does that right now, but would be useful as I don't think upgrading will solve my issue, as URLType = Absolute will attempt to get data from an absolute URL, something my server will forbid for security reasons.
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