Re: Strange error after taking the focus out of the CuteEditor

  •  03-04-2008, 10:50 AM

    Re: Strange error after taking the focus out of the CuteEditor

    Ok, this is the workaround I used:
    I just went  to the file ...CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Scripts/IE_Implementation/CuteEditorImplementation.js
    and I modified the function Window_PasteHTMLAndCollapseToEnd. I just added a try/catch statement around the problematic code.
    function Window_PasteHTMLAndCollapseToEnd(Ox1a5,Ox92)
      var range=Ox1a5[OxO5799[0x1]][OxO5799[0x8]].createRange();
      try{ range.pasteHTML(Ox92) ;
             range.collapse(false) ;

    However this just hides the problem (which I don't really know what is) and I had to modify cutesoft internal code. If I want to upgrade later and you have not solved this issue I will have to modify it again.
    Please cutesoft, take a look at this bug for your new version.
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