No new "tab" showing up to chat with invited guests

  •  04-01-2008, 3:02 PM

    No new "tab" showing up to chat with invited guests

    We have our chat working again with our ISP. Now that we're able to invite people, we're seeing some issues.
    When we se guests browsing, we often right click on them and invite them to chat. Many times they decline (which causes them to drop out of the Website Vistors list, which I am guessing is correct behavior). Sometimes they accept. When they do, their status changes to Busy and we see something like this in the Agent chat:
    Agent AndrewG is online now.
    AndrewG has invited the customer Guest_c3cee400.
    Guest_c3cee400 has accepted the invitation of AndrewG.
    ...but then I don't see a new "tab" show up in Conversations next to my Agent tab in order to talk with this person. Instead they drop off the Website Vistors list a few seconds later. When we try to recreate the issue, it seems to work for us (I rdp to my house, go to our site, alt tab back to my machine at the office, invite, accept on the other side, new chat tab created and everything works).
    Could this be
    a bug of some sort?
    user behavior - are they closing the chat window when it pops up?
    a popup blocker thwarting us?
    an issue because we have chat client version and the back end code on the web server is a couple revs back?
    is this something known and fixed in 4.1, i.e. should we go through the upgrade pain?
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