Safari content load problem

  •  04-10-2008, 7:22 AM

    Safari content load problem

    Hi everyone,
    the company I work for has just bought Cute Editor, I am trying to integrate it into our website content management system. CE is a very nice product, I have got it to work perfectly with IE and Firefox but Mac Safari and PC Safari won't load the editor content. I am fairly sure I have everything set up correctly, as both Safari versions can sometimes be made to work by reloading the window several times. Once CE has the content it works fine, I can then edit and save to a file with no problems.
    I have tried everything I could think of to cure this load problem, including:
     - changing the addressing to absolute (creates problems reading css with Mozilla browsers)
     - using editor->LoadHTML instead of editor->Text (no change)
     - several different ways of passing the source file name in a hidden field (no change)
    Is there something else I could try, or is the problem in the Mac loader javascript?
    with thanks
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