Possible to read Iframe window dimensions with Javascript?

  •  04-23-2008, 10:57 AM

    Possible to read Iframe window dimensions with Javascript?

    If we embed an 'img' tag into the editor and the user selects that image and clicks a button which executes a Javascript routine from its on-click event (this is an ASP.NET application), the CuteSoft Javascript function which identifies the 'type' of selection returns 'text' and we are able to parse out the height/width parameters from the selected HTML in order to allow the user to change it. 
    However, if we embed an 'iframe' tag and the user selects that image and clicks the button, the 'type' of selection is returned as 'control' and we are not able to capture the selected HTML of the tag in order to extract the height and width.   I noticed that if you double-click the iframe'd object you can get an 'iframe' properties popup to show (not always, seems to be hard to click the 'right' spot, but you can eventually do it).   Question:  is there a way to read/capture the height/width properties shown in this popup with some javascript function (or any other mechanism)?
    Thanks very much.
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