Style tag in Head tag problem (removed by editor)

  •  07-23-2008, 4:31 AM

    Style tag in Head tag problem (removed by editor)

    I am experiencing an issue using STYLE tags whilst using the editor in FullPage="True" mode -- i.e so that it allows you to include and edit the HTML, HEAD and BODY tags.  This works well until I try to put a STYLE tag in the HEAD tag.  Like so...
         (style type="text/css")
             body {color: red}
         This is a test
    The editor renders this correctly by when I post-back and then get the Editor1.Text on the server side: the STYLE tag has been stripped completely and the body {color:red} appears inside the BODY tag as actual page content.  So it ends up looking something like...
         body {color: red}    
        This is a test
    I can re-create the problem by editing the full HTML page using this example...
    ... try putting a STYLE tag in the HEAD and saving.
    Please help!

    <CE:Editor id="Editor1" FullPage="True" EditorWysiwygModeCss="css/cuteedit.css" runat="server"></CE:Editor>

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