Basic Evaluation Question

  •  08-28-2008, 8:16 AM

    Basic Evaluation Question

    I am trying to evaluate Ajax Uploader for purchase, but I don't see any documentation in the trial download, so I have a couple of questions:
    I have the file download and have the C Sharp Magic Ajax demo running.
    - I am uploading files, but to where? How do I specify the upload directory?  In our case, it will be different for almost every upload.
    - I see that if the file is too large, there is a warning message.  Where and how is this message being triggered.  (I have used the file upload control from MSFT, and do not like the fact that the user cannot be notified before the error is triggered)
    - What's the difference between the  C Sharp Magic Ajax and C Sharp Microsoft Ajax demos?
    - Is there documentation?
    That's it for now.  Thanks
    Mike Thomas
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