Re: Saving the text value to a SQL Server database

  •  09-19-2008, 9:46 AM

    Re: Saving the text value to a SQL Server database

    Hi.  Thanks for the reply.
    Origional code:

    .Parameters("@PortalSettingsImageLogoURL").Value = Server.HtmlDecode(EditorImageLogo.Text)
    .Parameters("@PortalSettingsDealerImageURL").Value = Server.HtmlDecode(EditorImageOwner.Text)
    result: both stored an empty string in the Database, overriding what was there before.
    I have two editors and I made the changes as follows :
    .Parameters("@PortalSettingsImageLogoURL").Value = Server.HtmlDecode("Hello World!")
    .Parameters("@PortalSettingsDealerImageURL").Value = Server.HtmlDecode("Hello World!")
    result: both saved the value "Hello World!" in the database
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