Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

  •  12-08-2008, 4:45 PM

    Re: Is DotNetGallery the right tool for this situation?

    I don't have any idea what I'm doing wrong - I am a newbie at this.
    I have downloaded the trial version. I made the page the failure of which can be seen here:

    I uploaded the page to the root of the server. I uploaded the DotNetGallery_Files folder, with all its content, to the root of the site.

    I uploaded the two files from the bin folder in the download to the /bin folder in the root of the site.

    Aren't the other files & folders in the download (sample, album, images) supposed to go somewhere? The "deployment" instructions don't say anything about those.
    Also, from what I can see, there is no way for the client to upload, organize, and manage this album through a web-based interface. That was one of my main considerations in trying this application - the other being the ability to integrate it with an master page.
    What am I doing wrong, please? I can post the code for my page if that would help.
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