Confused about how to Set HyperLink BaseHref (CuteEditor Broken?)

  •  02-16-2009, 2:34 PM

    Confused about how to Set HyperLink BaseHref (CuteEditor Broken?)

    In my project, I have the page with the cute editor in a sub-directory (/ssl/management/).  However, the content created by the editor is displayed on a page in the root directory.  No matter what combination of settings I try for "URLType", "UseRelativeLinks", or "BaseHref" hyperlinks that are created in design mode are ALWAYS generated with:  "http://www.[DomainName].com/ssl/management/" prepended.  How can I stop this!?!?!?!?
    I would think that I would want:
    URLType = Absolute
    UseRelativeLinks = False
    BaseHref = http://www.[DomainName].com/"
    argg.  The documentation for this seems to just barely scratch the surface.  I can't seem to find more detailed explanations of these properties anywhere.
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