Re: Textarea disabled on first load

  •  02-17-2009, 8:47 AM

    Re: Textarea disabled on first load

    Thanks Adam, we will try to get a small test package out to you.
    Another quick question.  Now with version 6.3 firefox is acting a bit strange.  Im getting "CuteEditoInitialize is not defined" error in firebug, and this time the textarea is loaded as readonly but the toolbox is not loaded at all
    This is where it happens as per firebug:

    function onload(event) {
     CuteEditoInitialize("CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID", {_ClientID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID", _UniqueID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0", _FameID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_Fame", _ToolBaID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_ToolBa", _CodeViewToolBaID: "CE_ctl0_te_25090000__ctl0_ID_CodeViewToolBa", _HiddenID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0", _StateID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:ClientState", _PostBackHandleID: "_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:PostBackHandle", _TemplateUl: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito/Template.aspx?Refee=http%3a%2f%2fqa-vcaiu%2fContols%2fDiscussionBoad2%2fDiscussionBoadSevice.asmx%2fGetDBMessageEditoHtml", Cultue: "en-US", Theme: "Office2003", ResouceDi: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito", ActiveTab: "Edit", ContextMenuMode: "Default", MaxHTMLLength: "0", MaxTextLength: "0", TabSpaces: "3", ResizeStep: "100", BeakElement: "Div", URLType: "Default", EmptyAltenateText: "FoceAdd", SeveName: "qa-vcaiu", RendeRichDopDown: "Tue", EditoOnPaste: "PasteWod", ResizeMode: "None", DNNAg: "", PostBackScipt: "__doPostBack('_ctl0:te_25090000:_ctl0:PostBackHandle','')", HelpPath: "/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEdito/Help/default.htm", DOCTYPE: "", BaseHef: "", EditoBodyStyle: "", EditoBodyId: "", EditoBodyClass: "", EditoSetting: "!3wEWAgUFZW4tdXMFAyRhMWTp8UDftO4oE3Vv8q!1EI9GlH!3VZ", ToggleBode: "1", EnableBowseContextMenu: "1", ConvetHTMLTagstoLowecase: "1", EnableAntiSpamEmailEncode: "1", EnableStipSciptTags: "1", AllowPasteHtml: "1", UseHTMLEntities: "1", EncodeHiddenValue: "1", EnableObjectResizing: "1", MaintainAspectRatioWhenDaggingImage: "1"});
    Any ideas on this?  To me it looks like a javascript timing issue actually for both the ie problem and this.... is there a way to maybe have all js needed preloaded somehow on the page?  Again, Im sure this is probly because the html for the cuteeditor control is being fully rendered on the server and then pushed over a callback using jquery.
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