UPloadder not working in IE7, but only on one particular page of application.

  •  02-18-2009, 4:17 PM

    UPloadder not working in IE7, but only on one particular page of application.

    We are experiencing issues with the ajax uploader in IE7.
    It fails to upload the file chosen from the browse dialog.
    After selecting a file, and clicking OPEN button from browse window, we get a javacript error:

    Error: unhandled error in silverlight 2 application [Common_MethodFailed]
    Arguements: ...unavailable...

    The funny thing is that it works fine on another page in the application and we cannot see any relevant difference in how they are placed on the pages, or coded behind.
    Knowing that i'd have to send my code to get a real answer, does anyone know if sloppy css, javascript, or html tags on one page could be messing things up for the uploader?  No apparent errors show up except this, and  it works fine in FF.

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