UploadAttachmentFile Items Count doesnt't work?

  •  04-15-2009, 11:56 AM

    UploadAttachmentFile Items Count doesnt't work?

    I'm evaluating the trial version of your (fantastic!) Ajax Uploader, in ortder to purchase it, and reading into this forum I have learned a lot of things.
    But now, I have a problem:
    I have inserted into my web page the "Upload Attacments" control in order to manipulate all the files uploaded; in the "FileUploaded" event I would like to read all the FileName in the AttachmentItems, so I iterate in this manner:
    For Each myUploadedFile As AttachmentItem In UploadAttachmentFile.Items

    lblmyLabel.Text &= myFile.FileName & "; "


    The problem is that the it gives me all the uploaded file less the last one! For example, if I choose 4 files to upload in the Items colelction I have only 3 elements.
    To verify this, I have tried in this way, but It is the same:
    For contFile As Integer = 0 To UploadAttachmentFile.Items.Count - 1

    lblmyLabel.Text &= UploadAttachmentFile.Items(contFile).FileName & "; "


    If I try to upload 4 files the Items.Count is = 3 ...
    Could you help me please?
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