Control does not exist in the current context error in VS 2008

  •  05-02-2009, 9:10 PM

    Control does not exist in the current context error in VS 2008

    I am testing out the free download and have not yet purchased a license.  Not sure if that effects what I am doing.
    I have included the Editor in my page and it shows up fine when I run the page.  But when I try to access the control in my code-behind file I get an error saying "The name 'Editor1' does not exist in the current context."
    I also noticed that there is no Intellisense in the code behind but in the ASPX file the Intellisense is there for the various options in the tag.  It seems that the Editor control is not being included in the aspx.designer.cs file which could be causing it.
    How can I get this to work.  I am using Visual Studio 2008 on a Vista computer.
    Also, once I get it working, I'm assuming that the Text property is what I will use to get the HTML that was created?
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