CuteEditor for .NET file upload to different folders depending on the logged in user

  •  05-28-2009, 11:40 AM

    CuteEditor for .NET file upload to different folders depending on the logged in user

    We have a website that a user signs into their account to administrate their page. The account has their own sub-domain URL (ie:
    We want to add CuteEditor for .NET but need it to be able to upload files to a different folder depending on the user. Since their sub-domains are all unique this would be the best way to identify them
    So for example:
    If subdomain1 is logged into their admin, then files they upload would go into files_subdomain1 folder and they can only see their own files in that folder. If the user is subdomain2 then there CuteEditor for .NET would only allow them to see/upload files in the folder files_subdomain2...and so on.
    I need to do this so that the different users can't see other users files they've uploaded when using the CuteEditor for .NET.
    Hopefully somebody can tell me if this is possible with this product. Then we can go ahead and purchase it.
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