Re: problem with Bold,Italic and underline

  •  06-11-2009, 4:09 AM

    Re: problem with Bold,Italic and underline

    We are having the same issue.
    We can select the text and put bold, italic and underline on, but it wont come back off again unless we remove it via the HTML view.
    We don't always give access to the HTML tab to our customers and then have the issue that they cannot remove the styling.
    When we put on Bold, Italic and Underline our HTML looks like this:
    <span style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; text-decoration: underline">As a group we specialise in: </span>
    When I do the same on your test site, the output looks like this:
    <strong><em><u>As a group we specialise in:</u></em></strong>
    Why do they differ? I thought the versions used on your test site had been superceeded by the "style" tag. This looks like where the issue lies.
    Cne you advise on a solution for this?
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