how to get the value of the object

  •  07-14-2009, 1:46 PM

    how to get the value of the object

       I have a form tag with cute editor. I want to get the value of the cute editor and save it to the database.
    i tried to get the value with this code:
    strmsg = request.form("Editor1")
    I check the value using:
    response.write strmsg
    But, it didnt get the value.
    sample html:
    Dim editor
          Set editor = New CuteEditor
         'Set the ID of this editor class
          editor.ID = "Editor1"
       editor.ShowLogo = "false"
       editor.FilesPath = "cuteEditor/CuteEditor_Files"
       editor.Width = 450
       editor.Height = 350
       editor.ImageGalleryPath = "/admin/cuteEditor/uploads"
       editor.MaxImageSize = 50
    Can you tell me how to get the value of the cute editor object?
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