Speed optimization suggestion - Combine and change location of Constant,js, Loader,js, CuteEditorPHPLic.js

  •  04-12-2010, 6:07 PM

    Speed optimization suggestion - Combine and change location of Constant,js, Loader,js, CuteEditorPHPLic.js

    I want to know if I can combine the 3 js files used by CuteEditor into one mintifyed file. I preffer to serve those files as one file hosted on a Google Content Delivery Network inorder to reduce the number of requests. How can this be done?
    Hosting some CuteEdit resources such as js, images and css on a Google CDN would be a great plus for CuteEdits as it would be even faster and save the end user some bandwidth and server requests.
    Please let me know, I am really intrested in doing this small change.
    Thank you,
    Mircea Piturca
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