Re: Cannot get editor to open in a web page with 1.1

  •  04-21-2010, 9:58 AM

    Re: Cannot get editor to open in a web page with 1.1

    Sorry for the long wait on the reply.
    I removed the reference in the project and re-added it.  I downloaded the newest version and tried that also.  Still same problem.
    I have this working perfectly for .Net 3.5 in another project.
    I'd prefer not to have to add it to the GAC, since the GAC can be tricky at times (you need to remove all references to the GAC before updating it with a new version).
    .Net 1.1 is so different from .Net 2.0, 3.5, and  4.0 that I'm wondering if something slipped through the cracks and that version is not working with .Net now.  I know I'm the only .Net developer I know who is still supporting 1.1 code.  Most have migrated to at least .Net 2.0
    PDF Metamorphosis works great in .Net 1.1, but we already have a license for CuteEditor for our domain so I'd prefer to stay it, if possible.
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