Two questions

  •  05-08-2010, 2:52 PM

    Two questions

    First of all, really like the script. Best one i found so far.
    I used this code (below) to get the filenames, which works well...until i add a:

    Seems it cant find the files if the path is can I fix this?
    Also, is there a way to limit the amount of files?
    Say I only want people to upload 5 files max?

        echo("<div style='font-family:Fixedsys;'>");
        echo("Uploaded ");
        echo(" files:");
        foreach($guidlist as $fileguid)
                echo("<div style='font-family:Fixedsys;border-bottom:dashed 1px gray;padding:6px;'>");
                echo("FileName: ");
                echo("<br/>FileSize: ");
                echo($mvcfile->FileSize." b");
                echo("<br/>FilePath: ");
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