Problem with SQL and CuteEditor

  •  05-11-2010, 2:50 AM

    Problem with SQL and CuteEditor

    I implemented my first cuteeditor and got it running with the standard settings (after creating the uploads folder).
    Now, I have to change the storage to SQL. I got the example and added the downfile.aspx and sqlfilestorage files to my app. I added the following web.config part:


    <add key="CuteEditorTempPath" value="~/CuteEditorTemp" />


    I added the folder CuteEditorTemp (this is what I already found in the forum). I created the sql table fsitems in my database.
    I then removed the uploads folder - and now it is not running at all wanting this folder back. If I recreate the uploads folder, then it is storing there - and not in SQL.
    I searched my app for the uploads and found in in admin.config of CuteEditor. Do I have to change this? Or what else do I have to do?
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