Need advice with PHP File Uploader "Task Complete" on Multiple File Upload

  •  10-27-2010, 12:57 PM

    Need advice with PHP File Uploader "Task Complete" on Multiple File Upload

    I am using "PHP File Uploader" with a customised SQL/PHP back-end. The uploader works fine for single file uploads, and in every respect but one, works fine for multiple file uploads.
    The problem I am experiencing is that when a file is uploaded successfully, I run the following code:
        <script type='text/javascript'>
        function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnTaskComplete(task)
            window.location = "/complete?id=<?=$sessionkey;?>&deletekey=<?=$deletekey;?>";
    This code runs when a file has finished uploading, and it redirects to another page where the next stage is processed. 
    When I use multiple file uploads, it navigates to this page after the first file has uploaded, and the other selected files do not get uploaded. I need a function similar to the "OnTaskComplete" function, that is called when ALL the files in the multiple upload queue have been uploaded.
    Any ideas?
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