Re: Auto adjusting height in Chrome

  •  12-02-2010, 3:18 AM

    Re: Auto adjusting height in Chrome

    Hi Eric,
    thanks for your reply. The upper code from you is ok, but not what I had in mind. I will try to be more specific.
    What I'm trying to achieve is when the user is loading the page with editor and with some content (that can be empty or pretty big) to show editor autoadjusted to content - not on some specific height. So if the content is empty to show editor on some specific height, but if the content is large, to show editor adjusted to content. I would just like to perform an autoadjust function after the editor is displayed (with PlusMinus).
    Something like this:
       $editor=new CuteEditor();
       $editor->ResizeMode = "PlusMinus";
       $editor->AutoConfigure = "Simple";
       //autoadjust editor
    So, the point is to show the whole content of editor on load time - without vertical scrollbars. And if the client wants to make it bigger or smaller editor has a PlusMinus functionality to achieve that. Because I'm trying to find some workaround for AutoAdjust function.
    But the other thing that worries me is how the AutoAdjust works for you in your Chrome and does not work in every other Chrome I tried!?!?
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