Greater than symbol in control attributes

  •  01-06-2011, 5:22 AM

    Greater than symbol in control attributes

    I am attempting to attach logical statements to HTML controls as attributes, to be sent to a parser later (which determines if the controls are enabled for example).
    Cute Editor seems to be objecting to all forms of the greater than symbol; encoded or not:
    The same with ASCII #62, and the symbol itself; >.
    To reproduce the problem, in Page_Load set the editor text as follows:
    Editor1.Text = "<input id=\"text1\" value=\"text1\" name=\"text1\" enabledlogic='\"Param1\" > \"Param2\"' type=\"text\" />";
    Run it and switch to the HTML tab. What should be:
    <input id="text1" value="text1" name="text1" enabledlogic='"Param1" > "Param2"' type="text" />
    is actually:
    <input id="text1" value="text1" name="text1" enabledlogic='"Param1"   type="text" /> "Param2"'>
    The less than symbol does not have the same problem and works fine. Is there a fix or setting to fix this somewhere?
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