Re: spell check problem

  •  05-17-2011, 10:36 PM

    Re: spell check problem

    I tried it in IE8 (with/without compatibility view). It doesn't work either
    We block the right click for cuteeditor and ctrl+v only gives plaint text. The user use the paste from word button.
    I actually have another issue. With following text, I could not change the font type (eg: change to Tahoma). Everytime I do it, it freezes the whole IE. Our users use the paste buttons.
    <div _cmsxhtmljob="1"><font _cmsxhtmljob="1"><font size="2"><font _cmsxhtmljob="1"><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">dfasd</span></font></font></font><font size="3" _cmsxhtmljob="1"><font size="2"><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">Ltd. </span><br _cmsxhtmljob="1" />
    <span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">sdcc</span><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">.&nbsp;</span><br />
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    <span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">sddfcare.</span></font></font><font size="+0" _cmsxhtmljob="1"><font size="2">&nbsp;<br _cmsxhtmljob="1" />
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    <div _cmsxhtmljob="1"><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">dfa</span><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">.</span></div>
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    <span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">aaa</span><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">was established in </span><font style="background-color: #ffffff" _cmsxhtmljob="1"><span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">1892.&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></font></div>
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    <span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">dfdof:</span><br _cmsxhtmljob="1" />
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    <span style="font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt">dfd.</span></font>&nbsp;</font></font></div>
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