Re: spell check problem

  •  05-18-2011, 11:14 PM

    Re: spell check problem

    Hi Ken,
    thx very much for the reply
    regarding to seconde issue "change font". I understand that is the regualr html tags. However, I couldn't control the user's input. and it seems to be fine in other html editor such as FCK editor. Our users were all very experienced in FCK and now we upgrade our system with CuteEditor and keep telling them the new editor is weight more better than FCK. It would be very much appreciated if you have any solution or work around for this because I cannot demand the user to change HTML. Usually they just copy the text from word, html or PDF. We've already block the right click and ctrl+v. They have to use the paste buttons from tool bar. If it still causes problem and freeze their web browser, it leaves us very hard to explain the issue.
    thx again
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