Re: How far is it possible to customize for messenger?

  •  11-16-2011, 9:52 AM

    Re: How far is it possible to customize for messenger?

    Ken, thanks for quick reply.
    Q1. So..If not source code license, I can just modify "NewMessengerMain.htm" file?
    Can't I modify another file? For example, conversation window at file "NewMessengerConv.htm".
    (And..What is the "Chat Administration Console" page? Can I custom the Messenger by "Chat Administration Console" page, any license?) 
    Q2. Thanks, I got it.
    Q3. Cute Web Messenger provides the following database table, right?
    When I use the Messenger, what I need table? I think, I don't need "CuteChat4_Lobby" table.
    And I don't know what "LogEvent" table.....
          - CuteChat4_InstantMessage
          - CuteChat4_Lobby
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