Re: Files not uploading in Safari on Apple computers

  •  01-26-2012, 1:46 PM

    Re: Files not uploading in Safari on Apple computers

    I found out why it still didn't work with the new DLL in Safari on Apple (and maybe this was the problem all along):
    I have the Ajax Uploader in a popup window, and in that popup window I have the following JavaScript function:
    1. function CuteWebUI_AjaxUploader_OnPostback() {  
    2.     window.filesuploaded = true;  
    3.     var submitbutton = document.getElementById('<%=btnSubmit.ClientID %>');  
    5.     wsRefreshOpener();  
    6.     return false;  
    7. }  
    As you can see, wsRefreshOpener() is triggered as part of that routine and wsRefreshOpener called window.close() at the end of its work.
    The popup window then was automatically closed, and the upload turned out to be canceled right there.
    Now I've removed the window.close() call, and the upload correctly finishes in Safari as well. The file(s) get uploaded fine now.
    Strange that this client-side window.close() call was bothering Safari on Apple so much, and other browsers didn't have a problem with that.
    Oh well...

    Regards, Marja
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